tiistai 13. maaliskuuta 2012


Culture is a little like dropping an Alka-Seltzer into a glass - you don't see it, but somehow it does something.   ~   Hans Magnus Enzensberger


I pass these ducks every time I walk to school.  Sometimes my Italian roommate walks with me and we have to stop (or as she would say, “take a pause”) so she can watch them.  She frequently starts a conversation, telling them how cute they are, apologizing for not having any bread today, asking them if they’re cold, etc.  Sometimes she even takes their picture.  It’s the same routine every time we pass them - two to three times a week.  Doesn’t matter how cold it is or if we’re running late to class, she stops.  It drives me absolutely crazy.  I mean, they’re ordinary ducks. They have them in Italy.  Why do we have to stop?

To her, though, they aren’t “just” ducks.  These are Finnish ducks.  She has been walking by them on her way to school since September.  Even though there are similar ducks in Italy, they aren’t THESE ducks.  So, she will continue to stop each time she sees them because once she leaves Helsinki, she won’t see them again. 

Leave it to an Italian girl’s love of ducks to make me take a closer look at my time here.  In my quest to absorb all the sights and sounds of Finland, I have been running around from place to place, in search of the big things, like museums, art galleries, and events.  I have been a so wrapped up in “finding” culture, that I have failed to truly appreciate the culture diversity I am exposed to every day. 

Things like “taking a coffee” most afternoons around 3:00 p.m. with my Italian roommate as that is something she typically does at home, or allowing my (very traditional) friend from Macedonia to open every door for me when we’re out because he’s insulted if I do it myself.  How about watching American movies with my French and Italian neighbors and having them hit pause so I can explain the slang?  And then hearing them confer with each other in a mixture of English and Italian/French to make sure everybody understands.  It’s how a group of friends or classmates will switch from speaking in their native language to English, so I can be included in the conversation.

If I think about it, it is exposure to these things that have affected me the most.  That’s not to say living in a foreign country and going to school full time in a “traditional” setting hasn’t been an eye-opening experience in and of itself.  By all means, it has been a lot to take in.  But seeing first-hand how these young adults have come to incorporate the nuances of the cultures of others into their daily lives has been a humbling experience.  I thought I was open-minded and accepting before coming here.  I didn't have a clue.  These “kids” have opened my eyes as to what it really means to be culturally diverse.  And they, more than any textbook, class, or work project, have shown me how important it is and how much we can learn from each other. 

It took flying over 4,000 miles and watching an Italian girl’s “Finnish ducks” to make me realize that culture is around us every day. And there is so much we can learn, if we only open our eyes and see it. 


That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way.   ~  Doris Lessing


I wouldn’t say I’m a great cook, but I can certainly hold my own in the kitchen.  I knew I might run into a few challenges here in Helsinki when it came to preparing food. I figured I wouldn’t be able to read the food labels, or cooking instructions for that matter.  Additionally, Finland, like the rest of Europe, is on the metric scale.  Goodbye pounds, cups and ounces, say hello to grams and liters.  And let’s not forget the Celsius/Fahrenheit conversion either.  It’s a little overwhelming, but here’s what I’ve been able to put together so far. 

BUYING GROCERIES:  The food labels are in Finnish (and usually Swedish).  I know, this is no surprise as I’m in Finland.  However, it is posing a little more of a problem than I anticipated.  Some things are easy to find, like apples, bananas, yogurt, etc.  I call them “common sense” items that need no label to figure out what they are.  Other items, like meat, are a little more challenging.  Fresh fish is very popular, after all, Finland boarders the Baltic Sea.  However, I am not a connoisseur of fish products.  Salmon can look like pork and cubed fish can look like chicken.  Even though I know the words for chicken (kana) and pork (kinkku) it doesn’t do me much good.  Sometimes there’s just a general term listed, like liha (meat) or filee (filet), and I guess I’m just supposed to know what variety it is.  So for now, I’ll just stick to what I can identify, fruits, vegetables, cereals, yogurt, and frozen pizza. 

COOKING:  The old saying of “you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone” holds true here.  I have no microwave and no toaster.  It’s not that they don’t have these things in Finland.  It’s just that my apartment doesn’t have them.  And I never realized how much I used either one of them.  Gone are the days of grabbing a slice of toast and heading out the door because I’m running late.  Toast takes about a half hour – 15 minutes for the oven to heat up and about 5 minutes on each side.  I can eat a bowl of cereal faster than that.  Along the same lines, leftovers can take time to heat up as well.  I’ve found it’s easier to heat those up on the stovetop as I’m still playing with oven temperatures.  When it comes to cooking, converting Celsius to Fahrenheit is not an exact science.  I have managed, however, to master the art of baking the perfect frozen pizza. 

I should also mention that there is no coffee maker, but rather coffee is made in the moka, one cup at a time.  Water is put in the bottom, coffee grounds in the “filter,” screw on the top and put on the stove.  About 5 minutes later, you have a nice cup of coffee.  I can’t tell you it’s great coffee, or even good coffee, because I didn’t drink coffee until I got here.  I’ve always been a Diet Coke kind of girl.  However, at 1.80 euros for .5 liter bottle (about $2.30 for a 16.9 oz bottle), I’m confident I can learn to love coffee.

Living in Helsinki has given me a new appreciation for the everyday tasks (like cooking and grocery shopping) that I never gave more than a passing thought to before.  These are some of the things I have observed and learned:

1.         Groceries are purchased more often rather than in bulk.  I have yet to see a cart full of food in the checkout lane.  I’ve seen some full baskets from time to time, but they mostly contain perishable items (milk, fresh fruit, vegetables, etc.). 

2.         If you don’t bring a bag with you to carry your groceries home, you will need to purchase one for around 20 cents.  (I tend to carry a bag with me, just in case a quick trip for milk turns into something else.)  Perhaps this has something to do with why groceries are purchased in smaller quantities?  Or maybe because carrying more than two bags home on the train is extremely difficult. . . .

3.         Many of the food labels are in three or four languages.  Other than the usual Finnish and Swedish, the languages are usually German and Russian. Sometimes a product will have “new and improved” written in English, but the rest of the label is in a language other than English. 

4.         Google translate does not work particularly well at converting recipes OR directions on the back of packages.  A Finnish/English dictionary from the library causes fewer issues and has more words available than any “free” dictionary download I could find. 

5.         The metric conversion charts online are fantastic.  I particularly found http://www.jsward.com/cooking/cooking-metric.shtml to be helpful.